• storie
• ciak! we shoot a funny german tragicommedy film
Ciak! we shoot a funny German tragicommedy film
Su di noi (in pillole)!
autumn 2019
This autumn our pastry shop's been the set of a funny tragicommedy film "Viva for ever" by the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg.
It will be broadcasted by the well renowned German TV ZDF in 2020 and try its luck at the most important film festivals, such as the prestigious one in Venice.
Let’s see it!
L'elemento vegetale, secondo Andrea Costantini
Su di noi (in pillole)
2 forchette dalla Guida Gambero Rosso
Su di noi (in pillole)
Ottobre 2018LEGGI
Vi presentiamo la nuova SPA
Su di noi (in pillole)
settembre 2021LEGGI
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