Contemporary Italian cuisine, combining instinct and method
“I have never tried to define my style. I cook what makes my mouth water, what represents me, what I’d like to eat. I love traditional Italian cooking because it has a strong personality and few written rules. I’m not fond of very fussy, formal dishes: my relationship with food is always instinctive. How do I come up with my creations? Curiosity, experience, research and passion”
Andrea Costantini, executive chef at the REGIO PATIO.
Authentic flavours and classic Italian cooking techniques meet contemporary flair and sophistication.
A stone’s throw from the lake, we await you for a refined, unique taste experience, to be enjoyed every day.
Opening hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday: 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Wednesday: closed
Private free parking
The Hotel Regina Adelaide and the Regio Patio restaurant are closed for the winter break and will reopen
Friday 21 March 2025
Guides: Michelin, 1 Plate e 3 Red Forks | Gambero Rosso, 2 Forks | L'Epresso, 1 cappello | Identità Golose | Venezie a Tavola | Più Guida Ristoranti Sole24ORE | Falstaff
Awards: Veneto Food execellence 2023, "Miglior Ristorante del Veneto", Guida al mangiare e bere bene de Il Giornale di Vicenza 2024
Ambasciatori del Gusto | Table remarquable di les Collectionneurs